Tue, was du liebst

von Sylvia Brenzel am 12 März 2021

Herzliche Einladung zum 

7. Money & Business Partnership Kongress, Online 11.-14. April 2021 (in englischer Sprache)


Information und Anmeldung: createlovein.business




Message from Peter Koenig

Founder of the Money&Business Partnership Congress series, Alpbach

[as covid regrettably makes a visit to our Austrian homebase an impossibility, we decided to organise the Congress online]


The intention of this now 7th Congress is to respond to the deepest global questions of our time. At this particular moment my colleagues and I are looking to create a bold movement which will shift the driving force in our society from an obsession with financial or other calculations to "love".


This may sound unusual but it's my conviction that love, when applied to money flows whether small or large, in combination with the emerging global awareness and technologies can and will lead to solutions in a multitude of situations that presently appear intractable. Love is at the core of this, nature when respected as we all know, is miraculous. We also know the power that exponentiality can have, vividly demonstrated at present in its not so welcome form by the covid virus and in many consequences of cancer-type economic growth. But we also undoubtedly have the possibility to harness the same potentiality of this mathematical algorithm for good purpose if we will, in small steps as individual citizens as well as collectively, institutionally and culturally.


I believe the time is now ripe for this and so the intention in launching this event is not to offer yet another summit for discussing and calling for action but primarily to catalyse, weave together and multiply the impact of multitudes of projects of people already in Action with their Calling.


To whomever this might speak, the invitation is to please join, please circulate and bring your projects, your friends, associates, circles and networks as partners. The more the merrier! The event covers 4 days which at first looks a lot for busy people, but in the Open Space spirit everyone will design their own timetable and thread of activities, so 'light', and we have platforms where you can install your own things and lead sessions or workshops as in a Live event. As well as a meeting space to form partnerships; and a programme of speakers.

We also make no secret of it. In comparison to other congresses with fixed timetables, speaker panels etc., the events we're accustomed to organising work with some emergent well ordered "chaos". This is not to everyone's taste but is what brings such an event to life and in the end make for extremely efficient and effective use of time. Moreover, and this is why we love Alpbach so much, well in the tradition of renowned pioneers and mavericks such as Schrödinger, von Hayek, Popper, Varela, Heisenberg, Markuse, Feyerabend, Koestler and many others who met and used Alpbach as their "watering hole", earning it the title "Village of Thinkers".


Welcome to join us, with warmest regards!


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