plenum academy



Economy and people development


The plenum academy is the training and qualification department from plenum. The plenum academy bundles scientific and practical know-how to execute sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility in companies. It develops a training offer that is based on holistic thinking and sees the value of creative, transformative and common-good-oriented people in the organisation. Sustainable leaders lead and bring the company further on its path to sustainability.








The greatest masterpiece of the future is the Planet Earth sculpture. As co-creator of Earth, every person has a stake in this prospective team masterpiece.” (Joseph Beuys)


Offers und 2015 calendar



Masterclass for sustainability and sustainability management


Consulting and coaching on sustainable change: how you as a person and organisation can enable and successfully shape sustainability and a sustainable economy. A powerful and transformative experience. Learn from and with the best in this valuable and individualised training and development towards becoming a sustainability consultant and accredited sustainability manager.



If you want to understand more about innovations, change processes, management and the professional demands of sustainable development as well as acquire the right skills and personal mastery, then check our offering and contact us today:

  • Our informational folder is available by request under
  • Or call us for a personal informational meeting at: +43(1)5246846-0



Further information is available here ...


Masterclass 2016:  March - July 2016


Pioneers of Change

Learning process for social innovations und projects of the future


This intensive learning experience is an education project initiated by plenum and Martin Kirchner. “Pioneers” transpose their talent and vision into real projects. We accompany you through eight seminar modules over the course of a year and provide additional coaching for internal clarification and the shaping of projects, organisations and sustainable companies.


Detailed and current information on this learning process and the Pioneers network is available here ...


Current  process: 28. April 2015 - 17. April 2016



Neu und aktuell - Pioneers kompakt

Intensivtraining für Projektmanagement und nachhaltige/soziale Innovationen

Den reichen Wissens- und Erfahrungsschatz aus dem Lerngang „Pioneers of Change“ stellen wir bei der Seminarreihe "Pioneers kompakt" zur Verfügung und durchlaufen in nur 6 Wochen und 6 Modulen einen ähnlichen, wenn auch kompakteren, Prozess. Wir begleiten Kleingruppen bei der inneren klaren Ausrichtung ins konkrete tun und realisieren.


Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier ...

Nächste Termine auf Anfrage unter

Sustainable Leadersheep


Turn leadership into adventure, experience leading in a remarkable context, face up to the challenge of a huge alpine project for people and animals, learn from experienced shepherds, take responsibility for the successful crossing of the sheep flock over glacier-covered mountain ridges, transfer this experience to a concrete leadership context.


Further information on this unforgetable experience is available here ...


Next date: 2. week of september 2016


Vorbereitungstraining und Prüfung zum

ECQA certified Applied Sustainability and CSR Professional


CSR- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement sind weltweit in aller Munde, die Nachfrage nach kompetenten Fachkräften ist groß. Die erforderlichen Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten von CSR- und NachhaltigkeitsmanagerInnen sind jedoch kaum definiert und weltweit sehr unterschiedlich. Daher entwickelte plenum gemeinsam mit top kompetenten Partnern, ein international anerkanntes Personenzertifikat.


Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier...